Performance Spotlight: MOTS-c in Athletics: Performance, Recovery, and Injury Prevention

Introduction: The Emergence of MOTS-c in Athletics

MOTS-c, a mitochondrial-derived peptide, began garnering attention in the underground athletic scene shortly after its discovery in 2015 by Dr. Pinchas Cohen and his team at the University of Southern California. Initially studied for its potential to regulate metabolic function and enhance mitochondrial performance, it didn’t take long for athletes and coaches to recognize its potential for performance enhancement.

Emergence in Athletics and Subsequent Ban by WADA

MOTS-c started to emerge on the underground athletic scene around 2017-2018, as athletes sought ways to improve performance, particularly in endurance sports and bodybuilding. By 2019, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) became aware of its use in competitive sports.

As of 2024, MOTS-c is banned both in and out of competition, making use risky for athletes subject to anti-doping tests. The decision to ban MOTS-c reflects ongoing efforts by WADA to stay ahead of emerging substances that may confer unfair advantages in sport

So why were those athletes using MOTS-c, and what, if anything, does the science say they gained?

What did Athletes Gain from MOTS-c?

Athletes who used MOTS-c did so for a variety of reasons tied to its metabolic and mitochondrial benefits:

Enhanced Endurance and Stamina MOTS-c significantly enhances mitochondrial function, critical for endurance and stamina in athletes. By improving the efficiency of energy production at the cellular level, MOTS-c allows athletes to sustain higher levels of performance for extended periods.

  • Quantifiable Impact: Studies have shown that MOTS-c can increase mitochondrial oxidative capacity by up to 30%, which directly translates to improved endurance. In practical terms, athletes using MOTS-c could sustain their peak performance levels (e.g., VO2 max) for approximately 20-25% longer than those not using the peptide. For instance, a cyclist who could maintain their anaerobic threshold for 40 minutes might extend this to around 50 minutes with the aid of MOTS-c, significantly enhancing their competitive edge in long-duration events.
  • Reference: Lee, C., et al. (2015). “MOTS-c: A Mitochondrial-Encoded Peptide that Regulates Muscle and Fat Metabolism.” Cell Metabolism, 21(3), 443-454.
MOTS-c: Sustain Vo2 Max Effort 25% Longer

Ability to Handle Increased Training Loads: Faster Recovery and Adaptation MOTS-c’s ability to enhance glucose metabolism and reduce oxidative stress in muscles plays a vital role in recovery, allowing athletes to handle increased training volumes without the typical fatigue or risk of overtraining.

  • Quantifiable Impact: Athletes using MOTS-c have reported a reduction in recovery time by approximately 30-40%. For example, a runner who would typically require 72 hours to fully recover from a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) session could reduce this recovery period to around 48 hours. This accelerated recovery process enables athletes to increase their training frequency and intensity, leading to greater performance improvements over time.
  • Reference: Kim, K. H., et al. (2014). “Mitochondrial Peptide MOTS-c Prevents Obesity and Insulin Resistance by Modulating Adipose Tissue and Skeletal Muscle Function.” Journal of Biological Chemistry, 289(42), 29138-29150.
MOTS-c Cuts Recovery Time 30% – 40%

Injury Prevention: Reduced Risk of Acute, Chronic, and Overuse Injuries MOTS-c’s enhancement of mitochondrial function and reduction of oxidative stress are critical in preventing injuries. By maintaining cellular health and promoting tissue resilience, MOTS-c helps reduce the likelihood of injuries that could sideline an athlete.

  • Quantifiable Impact: In studies involving MOTS-c, athletes experienced up to a 50% reduction in the incidence of chronic overuse injuries, such as tendinitis or stress fractures, particularly in sports that involve repetitive motions (e.g., running, swimming, or cycling). Additionally, the peptide has been shown to decrease markers of muscle damage (e.g., creatine kinase levels) by approximately 25-30% after strenuous exercise, indicating a protective effect against acute muscle injuries.
  • Reference: Reynolds, J. C., et al. (2018). “MOTS-c Inhibits Myostatin and Enhances Skeletal Muscle Adaptation to Exercise.” Nature Communications, 9(1), 484.
MOTS-c Cuts Overuse Injuries by 50%

Healing: Accelerated Recovery from Acute and Chronic Conditions When injuries do occur, MOTS-c is used to accelerate the healing process. Its role in reducing inflammation and promoting cellular repair is particularly beneficial in sports where athletes are prone to both acute injuries and chronic conditions.

  • Quantifiable Impact: In experimental settings, MOTS-c has been shown to enhance healing of soft tissue injuries by 30-40% faster than normal. For example, an athlete with a minor muscle strain that would typically take 10 days to heal could see recovery in as little as 6-7 days when using MOTS-c. Additionally, for chronic injuries such as tendinopathy, MOTS-c may reduce rehabilitation time by 25%, allowing athletes to return to training and competition sooner.
  • Reference: Steinberg, G. R., & Jørgensen, S. B. (2007). “The AMP-Activated Protein Kinase: Role in Regulation of Skeletal Muscle Metabolism and Insulin Sensitivity.” Endocrinology Reviews, 28(4), 569-589.
MOTS-c enhances healing of soft tissue injuries by 30-40% faster than normal.

But Wait, There’s More!

(Additional Benefits of MOTS-c)

Beyond its performance-enhancing effects, MOTS-c offered several other benefits that appealed to athletes and non-athletes alike:

  • Anti-Aging: MOTS-c has been studied for its potential anti-aging effects, particularly its role in improving metabolic function and reducing the risk of age-related diseases. These benefits, while not directly tied to athletic performance, made MOTS-c attractive to a broader audience interested in longevity and healthspan.
    • Reference: Zhai, L., et al. (2018). “MOTS-c Promotes Metabolic Homeostasis and Reduces Obesity and Insulin Resistance by Regulating Adipose Tissue and Muscle Function.” Aging Cell, 17(5), e12701.
  • Cognitive Function: Some studies suggested that MOTS-c could improve cognitive function by enhancing mitochondrial function in the brain. This could be beneficial not only for athletes who require sharp mental focus but also for individuals looking to maintain cognitive health as they age.
    • Reference: Timmons, J. A. (2011). “Mitochondrial Biogenesis and Longevity.” Cell Metabolism, 13(4), 356-368.

The Half-Life, Detection, and Clearance of MOTS-c

MOTS-c has a relatively short half-life, estimated to be around 2-4 hours. This short half-life meant that it had to be administered frequently to maintain its effects, which presented a challenge for athletes trying to avoid detection.

However, its rapid clearance from the body also made it difficult to detect. Athletes using MOTS-c could potentially evade standard testing protocols if the substance was administered strategically, just before competition or after the window for testing had passed. The precise detection window for MOTS-c remains uncertain, but its clearance time is generally estimated to be within 24 hours, depending on the dosage and the athlete’s metabolism.

  • Reference: Wu, L., et al. (2015). “Pharmacokinetics and Metabolic Stability of MOTS-c Peptide.” Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 355(1), 77-83.

WADA and other anti-doping agencies have since developed more sophisticated methods for detecting peptides like MOTS-c, but the challenge of detecting such rapidly cleared substances remains a constant battle.

Non-Athletic Benefits of MOTS-c: Beyond the Playing Field

While MOTS-c gained notoriety in athletics, its potential benefits extend far beyond sports. The peptide has been studied for its role in combating age-related diseases, improving metabolic health, and promoting longevity. Its ability to enhance mitochondrial function makes it a promising candidate for treating conditions such as type 2 diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular diseases.

Moreover, MOTS-c’s potential to improve cognitive function and protect against neurodegenerative diseases has attracted interest from the medical community. These benefits, while not directly related to athletic performance, highlight the peptide’s broader potential as a therapeutic agent for aging and chronic disease management.

  • Reference: Reynolds, J. C., et al. (2021). “MOTS-c: A Peptide from the Mitochondrial Genome Influences Mitochondrial Function and Aging.” Frontiers in Endocrinology, 12, 724898.


MOTS-c’s journey from a promising research peptide to a banned substance in sports underscores the complex interplay between innovation, performance enhancement, and regulation. While its benefits for endurance, recovery, and injury prevention made it a valuable tool for athletes, these same benefits also led to its prohibition by WADA.

As research into MOTS-c and similar peptides continues, their potential applications in medicine and anti-aging are likely to grow, offering new avenues for improving health and longevity. However, the challenge of balancing therapeutic benefits with the need for fair competition in sports will remain a central issue for the foreseeable future.